I've never really been grateful for not needing glasses, but with all the reading and knitting I do, it finally occurred to me that I'm really lucky. Still, my eyes are tired almost all the time, and I kept getting a tick in the corner of my left eye. I don't think it's visible, but then again, I don't think I'd want to point it out to anyone else if I saw their eye twitching anxiously.
My classes are great, a lot of history, and some very dynamic professors. I am well on my way to graduate next winter, unless I want to make room for . . . oh, i dunno . . . a term abroad, perhaps? I'd like that.
Here she is a few falls ago, in lioness/cat show grand prize winner mode. Ain't she a beaut?
Thank you for your comment, kim, and thanks for the compliment on Snow White's fit. it's a beautiful sweater, one I really look forward to finishing soon, but I'm a college girl now, and so only a weekend knitter it seems. ah, well.
I highly recommend the pattern, and ysolda's website. she's got great style and an eye for beauty.
Hope you are enjoying the beginning of fall!
What's that you're writing there, little lady that knits?
Cheers, friend.
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