This is Annie Modesitt's "Backyard Leaves," from Scarf Style.
The yarn is Karabella Aurora 8, in color 575 (pale yellow.) It was bought in my first yarn shop spree during a visit to California to see my beautiful sister. In fact, it was my first visit to a yarn shop, ever. And, no kidding, the whole store was on sale, half off, making room for new inventory. One hell of a way to start splurging on beautiful yarn (and Lantern Moon needles. Swoon.)
I love this yarn. To me, it is perfect, except expensive.
At first, the pattern was a challenge (it was only my fourth project or so) and the concept of a lace chart was a real mind-bender. But, by the time I was a few repeats into it, it got to be the
I think I will revisit this pattern again. And, with the fall setting in, I can give up my sunshine mornings if my consolation will be finally getting to wear some beautiful wool like this.
Also, Annie Modesitt's blog can be found here and is really worth a visit, for several reasons. She is a goddess of knitting design, lives in the Midwest (Minnesota), chronicled her French knitting tour there (!!) and reading about her husband's blood cancer and what it inspired her to do is a beautiful thing to me. I do, I love Annie.